Mörë ümläüt mädnëss!!
Just some documentation of how umlautastic Maxïmo Park really is...

And the "Apply Some Pressure" demo...
Clicky clicky
Chëck ït öüt, yö!
Just some documentation of how umlautastic Maxïmo Park really is...
I am not ashamed to admit that I really like Coldplay. (Ok, maybe I'm just the tiniest bit ashamed to admit it, otherwise I wouldn't have had to make that statement.) If I had to pick a favorite song, I would have to say "Shiver." The guitar riff is just brilliant, and who can't relate when Mr. Martin growls, "And it's you I see, but you don't see me..." Haven't we all lived through that one? It's just such a fucking good song. Runner up would be "Warning Sign," I think. I have a vivid memory of hearing this song driving through the Scottish Highlands on a yellow Haggis tour bus. And tearing up at the "When the truth is I miss you." This song can make me cry any time. But it's so lovely at the same time that it's so melancholy. And it's such a lesson..."A warning sign, you came back to haunt me and I realized, that you were an island and I passed you by, when you were an island to discover..." All the things we've let slip away because we didn't appreciate them or examine them enough, really look at them. "And I'm tired, I should not have let you go..."
How am I??
For my inaugural entry, it’s only fitting that I pimp the band that I have affectionately been referring to as “my new favorite band.” (There is a difference.) This band is Maxïmo Park, and if you haven’t heard them yet, well, all I can ask is, what are you waiting for? Their first album, “A Certain Trigger” is out in the States on May 31 (or, if you’re like me and a tad impatient, available online as we speak.) The are also currently on tour, so if you can get out and see them, I implore you to. You can check dates here. As for me, I will be seeing them in New York in June, and at Leeds festival in August. And am eagerly awaiting both.